Internationale Tagung PhraseoRom

Phraseologie und Stilistik der Literatursprache –
Phraseology and Stylistics of Literary Language –
Phraséologie et stylistique de la langue littéraire

International conference as part of the Franco-German ANR-DFG research project PhraseoRom

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Erlangen, 13–15 March 2019

This international conference, which is devoted to the phraseology and stylistics of literary language, will be organised as part of the Franco-German research project PhraseoRom funded jointly by the ANR and the DFG. It seeks to provide a platform for discussing innovative approaches to the phraseology of literary language. The main focus of the conference is on the linguistic and discursive analysis of statistically significant multi-word expressions in literary texts, statistical genre analysis and literary stylistics. Submissions should primarily but not exclusively deal with novels in German, English and French published since 1950. However, papers focusing on literary works from other periods will also be welcome.



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Call for Papers


PSG III (Philosophisches Seminargebäude)
Kochstr. 6 a
91054 Erlangen